Senior citizens usually need the most attention when it comes to eye health. Some elderly people may have difficulty travelling to and from the practice, and sometimes carers are unavailable for the appointment time slots. There are also other issues associated with mobility such as lack of public transport or navigation problems. This is why we at ARKA Sight Care provide home visits to those who cannot make it into practice.
You can be absolutely sure about the quality of eye care provided by ARKA Sight Care. You will be given a thorough eye examination along with the quality of care. Our optometrist is fully qualified and properly experienced in conducting eye examinations at home. We are proud to provide such a high level in eye care and try our best to make the appointment that is most convenient for you.
We need only a few details to check eligibility for the free eye test at home and then a time is booked for the visit.
The optometrist will call approximately an hour before visiting to ensure the appointment has no change of plans. Once confirmed, they will come over and may ask questions related to your eye care history or issues faced. Once this is done they will conduct the eye examination using special equipment designed for use in homes.
If the optometrist prescribes the use of glasses then these are readily available and we are able to provide a range of different choices to suit your preference. If the patient is eligible for NHS funding then a contribution towards the gloasses may be provided.
The glasses should be custom made for you within 14 days after the visit. Following this, another small appointment will be made to ensure that your glasses are fitted correctly and comfortable for you.